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  5. Vibrant geometric nail designs with bright colors

Vibrant geometric nail designs with bright colors

Merayca Merayca - - 3 dk okuma süresi
240 0

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Materials Needed:

  • Base coat
  • Top coat
  • Nail polish in bright colors (pink, blue, yellow, etc.)
  • Nail striping tape or thin brush
  • Nail polish remover
  • Cotton swabs or pads


  1. Prepare Your Nails:
    • Clean your nails and remove any old nail polish.
    • Shape your nails using a nail file and gently push back your cuticles.
  2. Apply Base Coat:
    • Apply a thin layer of base coat to protect your nails and help the polish adhere better.
    • Let it dry completely.
  3. Apply Base Color:
    • Paint your nails with a light, neutral color as the base (optional). This step is optional, but it can make the bright colors pop more.
    • Let it dry completely.
  4. Create Geometric Patterns:
    • Use nail striping tape to create geometric shapes on your nails. You can place the tape in different patterns such as triangles, stripes, or zigzags.
    • Alternatively, you can use a thin brush to freehand the geometric shapes.
  5. Apply Bright Colors:
    • Paint over the taped areas with bright colors like pink, blue, and yellow.
    • You can use a different color for each section created by the tape or mix and match as desired.
  6. Remove Tape:
    • Carefully remove the tape while the polish is still wet to reveal sharp lines and geometric shapes.
    • If you used a brush, let the polish dry completely before proceeding.
  7. Clean Up:
    • Use a nail polish remover and a thin brush or cotton swab to clean up any excess polish around your nails.
  8. Apply Top Coat:
    • Once your design is dry, apply a top coat to seal in the design and add shine.
    • Let it dry completely.


  • Be patient and let each layer of polish dry completely to avoid smudging.
  • Experiment with different patterns and color combinations to create unique designs.
  • Practice makes perfect; don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t turn out perfect the first time.

Enjoy your vibrant geometric nail design!

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